When You Fall Call Jesus


When you Fall  call jesus east west




GENESIS 3;PSALMS 37:23,24,55:22;91:7,118:13,141:10,145:14,   PROVERBS11:28,16:1824:15-17ISAIAH 8:13-1440:28-31;MICAH 7:8; MATTHEW 7:24 25,10:29,11:6,26:41JOHN12:24;ROMANS 3:22-23, 1CORINTHIANS 10:12;1TIMOTHY 3:6-7,6:9HEBREWS 4:112PETER 1:5-11: JUDE 24-25;REVELATION 4:9-10


      Are you getting tired of feeling like nothing ever works out? Blindly stumbling through every area of life. Relationships, work, devotion to God… Peace and wisdom become our cry to the Lord looking for help but it always seems that we first look to something or someone else who we can see physically.

    As a young child learning to walk frequently stumbles and fall, so we all stumble and fall in our Christian walk. Our loving heavenly Father is right there with us, encouraging and guiding us through His Spirit, teaching us through each fall how to maintain a more balanced and steady walk. When we do fall, Jesus is there to pick us up, dust us off, and send us on our way.

   Beware of over -confidence and pride. Keep alert to obstacles and temptations which the enemy puts in your path. These will trip you up! Depend on Him who is able to keep you from falling. God’s love and mercy are great.


Who is able to keep you from falling?

What is God’s response to His children when they fall?

Where are you safe from falling?

Why does God lift you up when you fall?

When do you stumble and fall?

How can you keep from falling?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?