Gospel of the Kingdom

Gospel Of The Kingdom

Gospel Kingdom


MATTHEW 4:23,6:33,12:28,19:24,21:28-3124:14MARK 1:15,4:11-12,309:4710:14-16,23-27; 14:25;   LUKE 4:436:207:288:19:1-11,60-62;10:9-11, 11:20,13:20-21,13:28-30,14:15,16:16,

17:20-2118:16, Luke 21:31JOHN 3:3-5ACTS 1:314:21-2219:8,28:23-24ROMANS 14:17  1CORINTHIANS 4:20,6:9-10, 15:50GALATIANS 5:20-21


The good news of the Kingdom of God is a strong weapon against the enemy. As Jesus teaches us about this Kingdom, the deceptions of the enemy become obvious. Anger; the love of money, position, and self; fornication; greed; ambition – all are supposed to lead to happiness and satisfaction; but instead they lead to emptiness and frustration. None are acceptable in the Kingdom of God.

Remember the Kingdom you have been invited into. It has a Ruler who loves you with an everlasting love. Instead of sin there will be holiness. We will worship and praise the King along with all of the saints and the angels.Meditate upon the magnificence of this Kingdom and spread the good news!


Who needs to know about the Gospel of the Kingdom?

What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?

Where is this Kingdom of God?

Why would you want to enter this Kingdom?

When could you tell others about the Gospel of the Kingdom?

How must you enter this Kingdom?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Prophecy A Gift From God


prophecy GIFT FROM GOD




CORINTHIANS 12:7-11,13:2,14:1,22PETER 1:20-21REVELATION


   Prophecy is a wonderful and powerful gift from God and a strong weapon against the enemy. To speak God’s message to others, to build them up in their faith, to comfort, convict, or convey the Lord’s direction to another are several uses of prophecy. Prophecy is an awesome privilege and blessing from our Lord to us.   The way of love towards others is the motivation and source of this power.

   Learn to listen for that quiet, still voice inside your heart from God’s Holy Spirit, so that you may know if God is trying to use you to convey His message to others. Read and open your heart to the prophecies in God’s Word so that you may be blessed by them and be equipped to use them against the enemy in the event of an attack.


Who should Prophesy?

What is Prophecy?

Where should you Prophesy?

Why should you Prophesy?

When should you Prophesy?

How do you Prophesy?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Worship God in Spirit


grace given to you Worship God
Gentleness – Pompano Beach

GENESIS 18:21SAMUEL 15:2524:8RUTH 2:10JEREMIAH 7:2PSALMS; MATTHEW 2:1-24:8-10;  ROMANS12:1; PHILIPPIANS 3:3COLOSSIANS 2:18-23HEBREWS 1:612:28; REVELATION 14:7, 15:4,19:10


We as Christians are blessed to be able to call our God both Father and Friend. But because of the wonderful accessibility Jesus has given us to the Father we sometimes take for granted whom we are approaching as we enter into His presence. Remember that God is holy, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!

Worship God in Spirit and in truth and the enemy will not be able to touch you. There is a wonderful feeling of peace and security when we are sitting at the feet of Jesus worshipping Him. At His feet we see a glimpse of heaven, where we will worship with all of the saints as well as the angels. Worship is a strong weapon against the enemy; use it often.


Who should we Worship and who should we not Worship?

What is the, purpose of Worship?

Where can we Worship?

Why is Worship a strong weapon against the enemy?

When is a good time to Worship God?

How should we Worship God?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Jesus the Stumbling Stone


stumbling stone




 PSALMS 9:3,27:2,37:24,51:17PROVERBS 4:19ISAIAH 8:13-15;

ROMANS 9:33,11:111PETER 2:7-8


     Our flesh continually cries out. “I want, I want. “The Holy Spirit, as He battles against our flesh, points us to Jesus and what He desires in our lives. This ultimately results in a breaking of our spirit and heart so that we can be remolded into the image of Christ. If we do not submit to this changing of our will, we stumble and break, only to be snared and captured by the enemy.

  Praise be to God for His Son, the Stumbling Stone who causes us to examine our path, and Who changes our lives from the inside out so that we may receive all that He has to offer, because He loves us.


Who is the Stumbling Stone?

What is supposed to be your reaction when you Stumble?

Where should you turn when you Stumble?

Why is Jesus called the Stumbling Stone?

When are we snared by the enemy?

How can we avoid Stumbling?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Submit to God






1PETER 3:18-22


Just as the officers and mighty men pledged their submission to Solomon their King, we are to pledge submission to our King. This submission is not a sign of weakness, but of wisdom and strength. There can only be one king in your life at a time. Sometimes we allow the King of the universe to take the throne of our lives, and sometimes we sit on that throne. This failure to submit was our enemy’s downfall. Stay in submission to your King with a quiet and gentle spirit, so that you may hear His still small voice as He tries to bless you with wisdom and instructions which are for your good and His good pleasure.

    If the angels, authorities, and powers in heaven are in submission to Christ, how much more should you and I be! Submit yourself and all of your life as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, for He alone is trustworthy.


Who should you Submit to daily?

What part of your life should you Submit to your king?

Where in your life do you find the most difficulty Submitting to God?

Why is it best for you to Submit to Jesus?

When did you see Jesus Submit to the Father?

How is your life when you do not Submit to God?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Integrity A Powerful Weapon


Integrity a powerful weapon


GENESIS 18:19EXODUS 18:21DEUTERONOMY 16:19-20JOB 27:4-6,31:1-40;PSALMS 7:3-815:1-518:20, 24:1-5,26:1-3PROVERBS 3:3-4,4:25-2710:9,11:3-512:2214:3016:1119:1,20:7,22:11ISAIAH 26:7,33:15-16,56:1;EZEKIEL 18:5-9MICAH 6:8MALACHI 2:6LUKE 3:13-14,6:3111:42,16:10;ACTS 24:16ROMANS 9:113:52CORINTHIANS 4:27:28:21PHILIPPIANS 4:8;COLOSSIANS 3:22-231THESSALONIANS 2:41TIMOTHY 1:53:9TITUS 1:7-8;HEBREWS 13:181PETER 2:123:15-16


     Integrity, a powerful weapon and seldom found in the world and can be used to powerfully impact the lives of others. Obeying the law, paying taxes, being faithful in marriage. dealing honestly in business, living up to your word, and doing right even when no one else is looking are examples of actions and attitudes of integrity which break down the enemy’s strongholds in other people’s lives and our own. The enemy knows that if he can cause us to compromise our integrity, our effectiveness as a witness for Christ will be lessened. And so he attacks in this area persistently.

    There is a great cloud of witnesses counting on your integrity to glorify God and to promote the gospel in love and in truth to the world around you. Be on guard against the enemy’s schemes! Do what is right!


Who needs to have Integrity?

 What is Integrity?

 Where in your life do you struggle with Integrity?

 Why is acting with Integrity important?

 When have you acted with Integrity and were persecuted for it?

 How does living with Integrity effect your relationship with God?

 How does this apply to your life?

 What is your prayer?

 What is your memory verse?




      Your God cares about everything you are going through and wants to hear about it from you personally. It is amazing to me, that even though He knows all things, the God who created the heavens and the earth desires us to approach Him with our petitions; and He is moved by them.Your petitions show a soft heart and dependence on your God. With this kind of relationship intact, the enemy has no chance to enter into the situation and separate you from Him who is worthy. Petitions from a heart of disobedience or rebellion, however, fall on Holy deaf ears. Be alert! The enemy will seek to lead you into disobedience to separate you from your God.




1CHRONICLES 16:4ESTHER 5:6-87:1-39:12JEREMIAH 7:16, 11:14,36:7,37:20;DANIEL 9:3MATTHEW 7:7-11LUKE 18:1PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7STUDY

Who hears your Petitions?

What does God desire from you as you present your Petition?

Where is the only place you can go to have your Petitions heard?

Why do you think God wants you to Petition Him?

When can you Petition God?

How should you approach God when you Petition His help?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Contact us with any questions

Meditating on Kindness

Meditate on Kindness


Meditating on the kindness God has shown us brings forth a response of thankfulness and praise, increasing our spiritual desire for a deeper relationship with Him. As God has drawn us to Him with His loving kindness, so He desires to use you and me to draw others to Him as well. Therefore, be as Christ, who reached out in love to those considered the least in His society, becoming one with them. He willingly accepted rejection and bore the shame of the cross. Take up your cross and follow Him. Reach out to the least in your life. As Christ intercedes for us, continue to intercede for those who need Him. Live godly lives, avoiding godless chatter, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Wait in expectation for God to work in your life and in the lives of others. Persevere! Kindness is a powerful weapon which dispels the darkness of the enemy.


PSALM 145:17PROVERBS 12:2514:2131;19:17ISAIAH 54:8;          JEREMIAH 9:23-24DANIEL 4:27HOSEA 11:4LUKE 6:35ROMANS 2:41 CORINTHIANS 13:4GALATIANS 5:22EPHESIANS 2:6-7, 4:32COLOSSIANS 3:12;     1THESSALONIANS 5:152TIMOTHY 2:24TITUS 2:3-53:4-7


Who is to show Kindness to all?

 What has God done to show His Kindness to you?

Where do you get the Kindness that you need to show to others?

Why do you need to show Kindness even to those who persecute you?

When should you show Kindness to others?

How does Kindness toward others affect you?

How does this apply to your life?

 What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

As The Least



       Who is “as the least”? Do you walk out of your way to avoid a homeless person? Do you shake your head at those who dress and act differently than you? Do you treat physically or mentally disadvantaged people with respect – or do you avoid them? Would you go out of your way to help those whom society considers not worthy of help? God did. Even though Jesus had all the power of the universe flowing through His veins, He chose to be one of us, to be as the least of us. How God uses the weak and foolish things of this world to confound the wise!

God alone is worthy of glory! And yet He considers us precious in His sight. All of us, from the least to the greatest, have great worth in God’s sight, for we bear His image, marred as that image may be. What great love He has for us! Show this love to others, that they may see God through us.

If you notice the person that always sits alone, reach out to them. The person that is rude and always pushing people away, show them the love of Jesus. Reach out to the child that is always last in line, take them to the front. Jesus is always looking for those who are treated as the least.


MATTHEW 5:1925:37-40; LUKE 9:4816:101CORINTHIANS 15:9


Who set the perfect example for you to live As the Least?

What do you gain as you become As the Least?

Why should you care about those who are considered the Least?

When did Jesus act As the Least?

How can you become As the Least; as Jesus was?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?


Has someone you know or a complete stranger done something to help or, bless you? At the time, these individuals stand out in our minds. But little by little, as time goes by, we tend to forget how important this act of kindness was to us. Take time every morning and throughout your day to remember all that occurred before, during, and after our Lord’s death on the cross. For you will be drawn closer to Him, living in an attitude of gratitude leading to worship and praise, living in the Spirit all through your day. The enemy won’t have a chance to diminish in your memory this gracious and loving sacrifice because you will be worshipping in the presence of your King, ever mindful of this great gift.

The Cross

Remember our Lord’s death on the cross living in an attitude of gratitude




MATTHEW 10:37-3916:2427:32,39-42MARK 8:3415:32LUKE 9:2314:27;JOHN 19:17-251CORINTHIANS 1:17-18GALATIANS 6:14EPHESIANS 2:15-16;PHILIPPIANS 2:8COLOSSIANS 2:13-15HEBREWS 12:2


Who should have been on the Cross instead of Jesus?;

What does it mean to take up your Cross daily?

Where would you be now if Jesus had decided to come down from the Cross?

Why did Jesus need to stay on the Cross for you?

When did Jesus reconcile all things to Himself?

How can you take up your Cross daily?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?