The Lie of Gluttony

What does the Word of God say about Glut·tony

 noun \ˈglət-nē, ˈglə-tə-nē\: the act or habit of eating or drinking too much.

plural glut·ton·ies Full Definition of GLUTTONY

1:  excess in eating or drinking
2:  greedy or excessive indulgence

[Pro 23:1 NIV] When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you,
[Pro 23:2 NIV] and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.

[Deu 21:20 KJV] And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son [is] stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; [he is] a glutton, and a drunkard.
[Pro 23:21 KJV] For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe [a man] with rags.

So what

that I am a few pounds or maybe even more than a few pounds overweight? What does that have to do with my love and devotion to God? Who really cares anyway? These are some of the rebellious defense thoughts that my flesh spews when confronted with the lie of Gluttony.

I know, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. But is it really about the physical health of my physical body? If it were, those who have medical illnesses would be in peril of accusation of the enemy of not loving the Lord. So maybe it’s not about the outside flesh but a matter of light and darkness that dwells within this body of flesh in my heart and will. The Temple is a place where the Lord dwells and we meet with Him. So the question is, “Has my temple been defiled by a lie of the enemy?” What is the thought that allows me to continue to over eat?

My thoughts that lead to gluttony are justified by the whispers of my enemy. It can be justified selfishness, pride and rebellion of wanting what I want when I want it. Deceived into not really caring about how the Lord feels about it. I forget about the starving and dying. The neighbors not far away that go hungry each night.

It has been written that physical longevity of life is gained in the gym and weight loss is gained in the kitchen. Does God really care if I am “FAT”. Probably not, but He sure cares about my reckless behavior of self pleasure.

Here is a physical and scriptural self-defense technique to remind me of the truth that Jesus is there and loves us.

                                               Totally Christian Karate the Lie of Gluttony

Expect God to do what He promises

When we expect something to happen, we believe and do not doubt the outcome. When we pray, Jesus encourages us to expect God to do what He promises. We can expect God to love us, to never forsake us, to provide for us, to comfort us, to empower us, to bless us, to give us grace and peace, and to stay the same yesterday, today, and forever. Be sure you understand that we do not hold power over God. Our expectation is based upon God’s character, Who He is, our loving sovereign Lord. Watch out for thoughts that put you on the throne! The enemy wants us to that believe we belong there. Expect God to do what He promises.





PSALM 5:3MATTHEW 21:21-22MARK 11:22-24ROMANS 8:19        PHILIPPIANS 1:20JAMES 1:5-16



Who can we Expect to do what He says He will do?

What can you Expect from God?

Where in your day do you Expect to see God?

Why is it important to live with the Expectation that Jesus could come back anytime?

When do you Expect God to answer your prayers?

How do you Expect God to show Himself to you today?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

The Call to be holy!

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