Be Joyful Always






NEHEMIAH 8:10;12:43JOB 33:26MATTHEW 13:44;28:8;

LUKE 1:14-15;2:10;10:21;24:52;JOHN 15:11;JOHN16:24;17:13;ACTS 3:2-8;

ROMANS 14:17-18;15:132CORINTHIANS 8:2GALATIANS 5:22-231PETER 1:8-9


   Joy, the second “Fruit of the Spirit”, is almost as sought after as love. We are constantly striving and testing the waters of the world and our good works, searching to find what will bring us joy. Eventually we are worn out and defeated, left as prey for the enemy. The source of true joy ,however, is found in the presence of the Lord. When we praise, worship, and celebrate in His presence we find our joy is complete. Just as He is always accessible, so is joy.

  Be courageous! Stand firm in the faith and in God’s mighty power! Be reminded of the events that took place on and around the Sea Of Galilee. Turn away from sin in your life and draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Remember that God has swept away your sin. Give Thanks! Rejoice in the Lord!


Who is to have Joy?

What is Joy?

Where does your Joy come from?

Why do others need to see the Joy in your life?

When can you have this Joy?

How can the Joy of the Lord be your strength?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Stand Firm In The Faith

 STAND FIRM FOUNDATIONThe Cross What we believe Stand Firm faith




ISAIAH 7:9bMATTHEW 10:2213:18-301CORINTHIANS 15:5816:13;

2 CORINTHIANS 1:21PHILIPPIANS 1:27-283:14,20-21JAMES 5:8


   Can you be stubborn? Yes, I know, we all can be stubborn about many choices that we make. This can be a child who is dug in on what they want and being so committed to their desire that we usually give in and give them what they want? We as adults also become unmovable when we are set in our thoughts and ways. We stand firm, bracing for whatever may come our way to knock us off course of the path that we are traveling on. This behavior can be for the good or for evil. 

     Followers of Jesus Christ are commanded to stand firm in the faith. To stand firm in One Spirit, the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of Christ, living in love and fellowship with other believers. Stand firm in the truth, the Word of God, the Bible.

   Wait upon your Savior who will return from heaven, where your citizenship is. Give yourself fully to the Lord’s work. Press on toward the goal to which you have been called. Let nothing move you from the hope and faith found in your relationship with the one, true, living God. Let not the trials, tribulations, and tragedy that come your way shrink the size of God in your mind; He is sovereign and mighty! Be strong and very courageous, for the Lord your God is with you. Stand Firm!


Who should Stand Firm?

On or in what should you Stand Firm?

Where is the ability to Stand Firm found?

Why should you Stand Firm?

When are you to Stand Firm?

How are you to Stand Firm?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Jesus Commands Sea of Galilee


sea of galilee




MATTHEW 4:12-238:24-27MARK 6:45-52LUKE 5:1-118:22-25;

JOHN 21:1-14


    What storms are you experiencing in your life today? Who do you turn to when you see the storm coming? Who do you cry out to in the middle of your storm? Who do you thank after your storm?

   Jesus shows His disciples the power and safety of the Kingdom of God by showing up in the middle of their storm and commanding all to be calm and then bringing them to land and safety. Fulfilling what He told them to do which was to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. All things have been made by Jesus, for Jesus and through Jesus. His Kingdom, which He offers to all people, is filled with righteousness, justice, love for others, joy and peace for life eternal in the presence of the King of all Creation.

    Remembering the events that occurred on and around the Sea of Galilee helps us to draw closer to Jesus: the calling of the disciples, the calming of the water, the catching of fish and the promise of catching men for the Kingdom of God, walking on water, and the reinstatement of Peter. Just as it did for the disciples, storms in our lives can arise suddenly; but our faith in Jesus calms the worst of storms as we rest and trust in Him. Travel to the Sea of Galilee daily and be encouraged.


Whom do you see at the Sea of Galilee?

What are some of the things that happened at the Sea of Galilee?

Where did Jesus calm the storm?

Why did the disciples panic in the storm?

When did Jesus reinstate Peter?

How does remembering the events at the Sea of Galilee help you?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Draw Near to God


draw near to God




PSALMS 34:1073:28105:3-4145:18ISAIAH 55:6MATTHEW 6:33;

HEBREWS 10:22JAMES 4:7-8I PETER 3:11


    Who do you reach out to when things aren’t going your way? When you are stressed, sad, mad, confused or  overwhelmed. Maybe a friend who will listen, a parent, a doctor or a stranger that meet at the store. If you are looking for wisdom or comfort that will meet your need better than you could imagine then draw near to God. Lift your eyes and heart to heaven and speak to the One who made you and loves you.

    Jesus says, ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock on His door and He will open it and have a meal with you. God says anyone who seeks me with all of their heart will find me. There’s no better time to seek the Lord than when we are desperate and you can know that He will answer and help you.

 In a time of need when the enemy has been allowed to tempt you to sin, or lies and tells you that nobody loves or cares for you, draw near to God. Pray. Read His Word. Worship and praise Him. Recall the names, promises, and power of our God as you submit yourself to Him. He is unchanging and trustworthy, and He promises that He will draw near to you.


Who is to Draw Near to God?

What is God’s promise to you if you Draw Near to Him?

Where is God found?

Why does God want you to Draw Near to Him?

When should you Draw Near to God?

How should you Draw Near to God?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Turn From Sin


turn from sin




GENESIS 4:6-72KINGS 23; 2CHRONICLES 19PROVERBS 4:14-156:16-171PETER 3:10-11


    Have you noticed what path your life is on? Is it a path that leads to destruction or is it a path that leads to eternal life that is filled with love, joy and peace? Are you filled with fear, anger or bitterness? How did you get on this path? Do you want to turn away from the path of sin?

    Having been made in the image of God and freed by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ our Lord, we are free to turn away from the temptation of the enemy, our fleshly desires, and those around us who want company going down the path of the wicked. Learning to take every thought captive and making it obedient to want Jesus desires is the first step  toward turning from the path of sin.

   Submit yourself to God, as a soldier would to his king or his commander. Turn away from evil, as if it were smelly garbage. Seek peace and pursue it, as you would the winning lottery ticket if you had lost it.


Who is to Turn from it?

Where do you not want to travel?

Why does God want you to Turn from these things?

When should you Turn from it?

How should you Turn From It?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

When You Fall Call Jesus


When you Fall  call jesus east west




GENESIS 3;PSALMS 37:23,24,55:22;91:7,118:13,141:10,145:14,   PROVERBS11:28,16:1824:15-17ISAIAH 8:13-1440:28-31;MICAH 7:8; MATTHEW 7:24 25,10:29,11:6,26:41JOHN12:24;ROMANS 3:22-23, 1CORINTHIANS 10:12;1TIMOTHY 3:6-7,6:9HEBREWS 4:112PETER 1:5-11: JUDE 24-25;REVELATION 4:9-10


      Are you getting tired of feeling like nothing ever works out? Blindly stumbling through every area of life. Relationships, work, devotion to God… Peace and wisdom become our cry to the Lord looking for help but it always seems that we first look to something or someone else who we can see physically.

    As a young child learning to walk frequently stumbles and fall, so we all stumble and fall in our Christian walk. Our loving heavenly Father is right there with us, encouraging and guiding us through His Spirit, teaching us through each fall how to maintain a more balanced and steady walk. When we do fall, Jesus is there to pick us up, dust us off, and send us on our way.

   Beware of over -confidence and pride. Keep alert to obstacles and temptations which the enemy puts in your path. These will trip you up! Depend on Him who is able to keep you from falling. God’s love and mercy are great.


Who is able to keep you from falling?

What is God’s response to His children when they fall?

Where are you safe from falling?

Why does God lift you up when you fall?

When do you stumble and fall?

How can you keep from falling?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Forgiveness East From West


East west
East west sweep




 PSALM 103:11-12PSALM 50:1


     Do you feel far from God? Are your thoughts and actions allowing your adversary, the devil to accuse you of not being capable of love or change in your life? Do you desire a relationship with the ONE who created all things, seen and unseen but feel too dirty to approach Him?

But let’s take a moment to remember who is this God, what is He like and what does He want. This God has a Kingdom in Heaven. He is Love and He wants you to be with Him in this Kingdom. Offering amnesty to those who repent and turn with all of their heart to be with Him and serve Him. This King will forgive all of your sins and adopt you because of Jesus, His Son paying for your sins by dying on the cross and being raised from the dead to give you new and eternal life with Him in this Kingdom.

The enemy’s scheme against each one of us is to separate us from God and from one another. He lies, accuses, and deceives to accomplish his goal. Remember that the east can never catch up with the west and this is how far God has separated our transgressions from us. As high are the heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for us. Rejoice always because of Jesus’s love for you.


Against Whom have you sinned?

What are transgressions?

Where does the East meet the West?

Why did Jesus remove your transgressions from you?

When did Jesus separate your transgressions from you?

How did Jesus separate your transgressions from you?

How does this apply to your life?

 What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Faith Produces Courage


crossover from death to life faith courage




LEVITICUS 26:6-8NUMBERS 13:30;14:6-12; DEUTERONOMY 31:7-8;22-23JOSHUA 1:1-9;JUDGES 7:71SAMUEL 17:32-50; 1CHRONICLES 22:132CHRONICLES 32:7-8ESTHER 4:8-16PROVERBS 28:1EZEKIEL 2:6;3:9MARK 15:43ACTS 3:12-26; 4:9-13ROMANS 8:28-391CORINTHIANS 16:13;    PHILIPPIANS 1:27-282TIMOTHY 1:7


    Almighty God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, knows who you are and what you are going through He loves you with an everlasting love, and plans to complete the good work He has begun in you. Who will separate you from the love of God? Of whom do you need to be afraid? The more time that you spend with God the better you will know Him; the better you know Him the more you will trust Him; the more that you trust Him the more that you will depend on Him;the more you live in total dependence on Him the greater your faith will grow; and the greater your  faith, the more courage you will have! Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, for He is with you!


Who should have Courage?

What does showing your enemies your courage do to them?

Where does your Courage come from?

Why do you need Courage?

When do you need Courage?

How do you get Courage?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Thankfulness a powerful weapon!

THANKFULNESSthankfulness powerful weapon




PSALMS 30:1-1235:9-10,1850:14-1579:1392:1-4100:4106:1107:1-22116:12-17118:1-4136:1-26


   Have you ever been around someone who is unthankful about everything? Where they live, their health, how much money they have, relationships that are always full of drama as they blame someone else for their unhappiness.      

  Meditating on the goodness, mercy, and grace of God brings forth a natural response of thankfulness. An attitude of gratitude is the only logical response to such a loving God and Savior. From thankfulness comes a sacrifice of praise, worship, and services to Him, done with a loving and grateful heart.

  All tasks become an act of worship and service unto God: washing dishes-making beds-doing homework-loving and forgiving others. The pleasant becomes more enjoyable while the unpleasant becomes easier to handle. Thankfulness is a powerful weapon against the enemy. During trials and temptations, Satan lies to us that God does not care about us; but He does! Stay thankful to God, and watch the enemy flee.


Who needs to be Thankful for all things?

What is Thankfulness?

Where can I show Thankfulness?

Why is Thankfulness a powerful weapon against the enemy?

When are you to be Thankful?

How can you show God that you are Thankful?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Peace with God


as the least peace with God
Morning Prayer & Class




  LEVITICUS 26:6JOB 22:21PSALMS 4:825:12-13;29:1134:1437:4;85:8119:165;133:1;PROVERBS12:19-2016:7,20:3ISAIAH 2:4;9:6;26:3,1227:4-5 32:17-18;45:7,57:18-19ZECHARIAH 8:19;MATTHEW 5:9MARK 9:50;         LUKE 1:78-792:14JOHN 14:276:33;20:19ROMANS 2:10;5:1;8:6;10:15;12:18;14:17,19;15:13,331 CORINTHIANS 14:332 CORINTHIANS 13:11 GALATIANS 5:22EPHESIANS 2:14,4:3PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7,       1THESSALONIANS 5:132 TIMOTHY 2:22HEBREWS 12:14JAMES 3:17-18;       1 PETER 3:10-11


As believers, we now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace. Accepting this good news is one of the greatest defenses you have against the enemy. With God’s peace in your heart, you can now offer your life as a living sacrifice to God, for this is your response of worship. Prophesy, or boldly proclaim, to others this gospel of peace in love, offering them hope in all submission. Be merciful to those who stumble over the Stone that has been placed in their path as they hear the truth, for this living Stone will cause them to look at the path upon which they are traveling; and He is strong enough to crush the hardness that has formed around their hearts.


Who is to have Peace?

What do you have to do to have this Peace?

Where does this Peace come from?

Why do others have to see this Peace in your life?

When should you have Peace?

How can you share this Peace with others?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?