Peace with God


as the least peace with God
Morning Prayer & Class




  LEVITICUS 26:6JOB 22:21PSALMS 4:825:12-13;29:1134:1437:4;85:8119:165;133:1;PROVERBS12:19-2016:7,20:3ISAIAH 2:4;9:6;26:3,1227:4-5 32:17-18;45:7,57:18-19ZECHARIAH 8:19;MATTHEW 5:9MARK 9:50;         LUKE 1:78-792:14JOHN 14:276:33;20:19ROMANS 2:10;5:1;8:6;10:15;12:18;14:17,19;15:13,331 CORINTHIANS 14:332 CORINTHIANS 13:11 GALATIANS 5:22EPHESIANS 2:14,4:3PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7,       1THESSALONIANS 5:132 TIMOTHY 2:22HEBREWS 12:14JAMES 3:17-18;       1 PETER 3:10-11


As believers, we now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace. Accepting this good news is one of the greatest defenses you have against the enemy. With God’s peace in your heart, you can now offer your life as a living sacrifice to God, for this is your response of worship. Prophesy, or boldly proclaim, to others this gospel of peace in love, offering them hope in all submission. Be merciful to those who stumble over the Stone that has been placed in their path as they hear the truth, for this living Stone will cause them to look at the path upon which they are traveling; and He is strong enough to crush the hardness that has formed around their hearts.


Who is to have Peace?

What do you have to do to have this Peace?

Where does this Peace come from?

Why do others have to see this Peace in your life?

When should you have Peace?

How can you share this Peace with others?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Honesty from a pure heart

HONESTYpetition honesty pure heart




LEVITICUS 19:11,35-36,25:14-17DEUTERONOMY 16:20,25:13-16; PSALMS 15:5,24:4-537:21;PROVERBS 3:27,4:24-2711:112:22, 16:820:10ISAIAH 33:15-16MATTHEW  7:12; MARK 10:17-18;LUKE 3:12-13,6:31ACTS 24:162CORINTHIANS 4:1-27:2,8:21PHILIPPIANS 4:8-9;  COLOSSIANS 3:9-10,22-231THESSALONIANS 4:11-12HEBREWS 13:8, 1PETER 2:12


   Honesty from a pure heart seems to get harder and harder to do and find in this world known as the Kingdom of Darkness. These earth dwellers in Satan’s Kingdom are creations of God and are made in His image yet they rebel against the One who made them, loves them and is willing to save them if they repent. The invitation is offered to any creature to enter the Kingdom of God for eternity. Sins forgiven, a new heart given and adoption legalized into the family of God in the Kingdom of Light.

From how we handle our money and our dealings with men, to our relationship with God, honesty is commanded by the Lord. We as His children are to be consistently honest from a pure heart. God Himself embodies this; even His name, I AM, is pure honesty. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Satan knows that any dishonesty in our lives will eventually be exposed, ruining the effectiveness of our witness and causing division. He desires to sidetrack the work that God has prepared for us to do. Satan works hard to tempt us to be ,dishonest, and then to expose us!

An honest life is consistent with God’s image in us, best for ourselves and for the Gospel.


Who is to do everything in Honesty?

What is Honesty?

Where in the Bible does God show you His Honesty?

Why is it important to be Honest in all things?

When is it hard for you to be Honest?

How does your Honesty effect other people?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Servanthood Evidence of Change


servanthood evidence




    Have you noticed that every time you consider serving God, a war begins to rage? It can be an internal war of choice between Spirit or Flesh or an external war which is a result of persecution from others. Servanthood can also have many meanings these days. Forced servanthood as in slavery is filled with violence and oppression which is opposite of what our God desires in a relationship with Him.

    Our King desires an intimate relationship us. Surrendering our wills by choice out of our love and devotion to Him and His Kingdom. This choice is easy and light because of the love and goodness of our King. The Lord even does the work for us, inside us, given us the Holy Spirit which guides us into all truth. Servanthood, is evidence of change in our hearts and minds which are to be solely focused on our King Jesus and His commands. This servanthood  becomes a great and powerful weapon against the wiles of the devil.

      The enemy, our adversary will use everyday circumstances to thwart our life in servanthood. It can look like a flat tire, sickness, injury, a busy schedule or godless chatter with friends and family. If he can get our attention off of our service to the King he makes us unfruitful to others and to the Kingdom of God.

  How it confuses the world to hear of a righteous King and His Kingdom. A King who came to save and to serve those who were previously His enemies all because of His love for His Father in heaven and those He created. Our response to this love results in changed lives as we, now His children, are transformed into the likeness of the King. Servanthood becomes the evidence of this change. The King’s children become servants not because they have to, but because they want to!


Who’s Servant are you?

How did Jesus show you He is a Servant?

Where can you Serve God daily?

Why can you not be a Servant to God and money?

When did you become the Lord’s Servant?

How can you learn to be a good and faithful Servant?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Patience considering others first


patience requires




NUMBERS 14:18PSALMS 37:7PROVERBS 16:3219:11,25:15ECCLESIASTES 7:8;      ISAIAH7:13ROMANS 2:1-4,5:3-4,8:259:21-221CORINTHIANS 13:4;GALATIANS 5:22-236:9;EPHESIANS 4:2COLOSSIANS 3:12-141TIMOTHY 1:16TIMOTHY 4:2HEBREWS 6:12,10:23,36JAMES 1:2-4,5:7-10;  1PETER 2:20; 2PETER 3:15


    Have you found that in your life there are many opportunities to practice patience? Are you always feeling stuck in a constant place of waiting as frustration begins to manifest himself as anger, rudeness and self-centeredness.

    But as you begin to read the Bible and believe what it says you start to grow closer to loving God and others. You begin to realize that Jesus lived a perfect example of patience for us through His life as a servant and through His meekness. His display of patience with His family, friends, disciples and even those who hated Him. Jesus shows us how to consider others first, bearing with their faults, being kind and gentle, laying down our lives for others.

    Be encouraged! Your life is now hidden with Christ in God so sweep the wickedness from your life, remembering His grace and forgiveness extended to you, Build your life upon the Cornerstone of your faith, the precious Stone you have found, Trust in Him even when His ways appear hidden from you. Petition God to equip you to live a life of patience. Pray at all times in the Spirit. Remember who you are as a child of God and the purpose of your life on this earth. To expand the Kingdom of God. Patience, considering others first.


Who is Patient with you daily?

What is a good example of God’s Patience with Israel?

Where does your lack of Patience with others appear most often?

Why are you to be Patient with others?

When are you able to be Patient with others?

How does God teach you Patience?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Avoid Godless Chatter

Avoid Godless Chatter


   Why is it important to avoid Godless chatter? Can’t I just say what is on my mind? Does God know what I am thinking? Does God  know what I am going to say before I say it? Can’t I talk about sports, politics, the weather, TV shows, music and entertainment news?           The World and its vices have so much to offer to my senses and mind. The World can keep me talking all the time, memorizing worldly comedy and songs. Talking about my family, friends and neighbors personal business and lives. It is easy to get bound up in chatter other than what pleases the One who loves me and created me to be His. When I became a follower and disciple of Jesus I gave up my will and surrendered it to Jesus for the Kingdom of God. So, a course joke, a slanted comment, or simply talking about the weather and sports as your daily diet for conversation can lead me away from the mission I have from God. The enemy earnestly desires to get my mind off of God, in order to render me unfruitful and to keep me from maturing in Christ. Check all thoughts and conversations, bringing them to Christ for His approval. For just as Godless chatter can lead you away from Him, Godly conversation will draw you and others closer to Him. Be transformed by renewing your mind through reading, memorizing, and meditating on God’s Word. Build up one another; encourage! Praise and worship together, drawing each other closer to God.




1TIMOTHY 6:20; 2TIMOTHY 2:15-16


Who should Avoid Godless Chatter?

What is Godless Chatter?

Where is your biggest battle fought against Godless Chatter?

Why Avoid Godless Chatter?

When should you Avoid Godless Chatter?

How can you Avoid Godless Chatter?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?



Apply the Word of God to your Life Blog/Vlog Meekness Hope is God's Promise
Morning Gentleness Worship


PSALMS 16:931:2433:18-2239:743:571:5,1478:5-7,119:74,81,116130:7146:5;  PROVERBS 10:2813:12JEREMIAH 17:7;LAMENTATIONS 3:21-26ACTS 24:14-15,              26:6-7,28:20ROMANS 5:2-5,8:24-2512:1215:4,131 CORINTHIANS 13:13;EPHESIANS 4:4PHILIPPIANS 1:20COLOSSIANS 1:51TIMOTHY 1:1; TITUS 2:13HEBREWS 6:11,18-1911:11 PETER 1:3,13,211 JOHN 3:3


Hope is a mighty weapon against the enemy, for it is hope in God’s promises that sees us through our darkest hours, our trials and temptations. This hope is true because it is founded on faith and trust in the God of truth. The Scriptures, which contain God’s promises and reveal His character, are the word of hope to us. The tighter we hold on to this hope the more joy we experience because of it.

The enemy desires to steal your joy and diminish the hope you have in your Savior. As the father of lies, he attempts to lead you away from the true hope to a false hope. Be careful not to place your hope in things promised to you from the world.

Be mindful of the hope you have as a child of God and be filled with an inexpressible joy.


Who is your Hope?

In what things should you place your Hope?

Where can you find this Hope?

Throughout your day, why must you remember the Hope you have as a child of God?

When did you gain the Hope of eternal life?

How has God shown you that He is worthy of your Hope?

How does this apply to your life? .

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Seek God’s guidance daily; He gives generously to all who ask

Seek God’s guidance daily He gives generously to all who ask





PSALMS 32:8,37:23,48:1473:23-24PROVERBS 3:5-616:9  ISAIAH 28:26,30:21,42:16MATTHEW 4:1,10:20MARK 13:11LUKE 12:12;  JOHN 6:45,6314:16-2616:7-14ACTS 1:161CORINTHIANS 6:14:  EPHESIANS1:173:5,16JAMES1:52PETER 1:211JOHN 2:20,4:2;   REVELATION 22:17

Seek God's wisdom dailyAPPLICATION

The enemy uses every worldly means, including our own flesh, to give us direction for our lives. And the direction that he desires is away from God. He uses TV, counselors, friends, self-help books, seminars, emotions, even family members… anything and anyone who does not direct us to God and His Word. But God has placed inside every believer the wonderful Counselor, the Holy Spirit; and He has given us His Word, the Holy Bible. All that we could ever need for perfect guidance has been given to us! The living God, who knows all things, dwells inside of us; and He desires to guide us into all truth. Seek God’s guidance daily; He promises to give generously to all who ask.


From Whom should you seek Guidance daily?

About what should you seek Guidance?

Where does the Holy Spirit Guide you?

Why should you seek Guidance from God?

When should you seek Guidance from God?

How can you seek Guidance from God?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Continue to lift one another up before the throne of God

The enemy would have us turn our backs on one another – physically in our relationships, and spiritually in prayer. He would also like us to believe that God does not care about us and has abandoned us. But Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father each in His own way continually intercedes for us. In the Scriptures, we also see men interceding for one another through prayer. Continue to lift one another up before the throne of God. Make a list and use it as your daily marching orders. Stay on your knees and continue to fight the good fight of the faith.




Continue to lift up one another to the throne of God


GENESIS 20:7EXODUS 28:12,29-30,3832:9-14NUMBERS 14:11-2016:46-50;DEUTERONOMY 5:5, 7:9,9:18-291SAMUEL 7:5-8, 12:23JOB 1:59:32-33,16:21,42:8-10ISAIAH 62:6-7,65:8JEREMIAH 5:1EZEKIEL 22:30;       MATTHEW 5:44,8:5-13PHILIPPIANS 1:3-10ROMANS 1:98:26-27,34EPHESIANS 1:15-19,3:14-196:18HEBREWS 7:2513:18JAMES 5:13-20COLOSSIANS 1:3-9,2:1-2;1 TIMOTHY 2:12 THESSALONIANS 1:11;   REVELATION 5:88:3-41 PETER 2:5,9;1JOHN 5:16


Who is Interceding for you and whom should you Intercede for daily?

What is Intercession?

Where should you Intercede for others?

Why should you Intercede for others?

When is a good time to Intercede by prayer for others?

How will understanding Intercession help the body of Christ?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?

Continue to lift up one another before the throne of God!

Jesus Goodness of God





JOSHUA 24:15PSALMS 16:2,34:8MATTHEW 5:44-48LUKE 6:27-36;ROMANS12:2115:14GALATIANS 5:22JAMES 4:17HEBREWS 6:4-6;  2PETER 1:3-7

Jesus the goodness of God


 Jesus the Goodness of God Our flesh is constantly bent on evil because of its nature, and so outwardly and inwardly temptations and trials come, bringing opportunities for you to choose the good and so glorify your Father in heaven. Jesus the goodness of God gives you the power to wield your sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to disarm the enemy. Watch him retreat as you choose good over evil. God is always reaching out His hand to you, empowering you by His Spirit to live a life of integrity and so bring praise to His Name_ As you hold out the Word of life, trust God to light your path. Remember that you are a diplomat, an ambassador bringing good news of the Word of truth to a fallen and deceived world. Build one another up in the faith, confessing your sins, praying and exhorting one another in Christ. Remember that you are covered in the righteous blood of Christ and that your sins have been forgiven. Allow God’s goodness to fill you with over flowing joy!


Who is Good?

What is Good about God?

Where does your Goodness come from?

Why do people need to see Goodness in you?

When should you choose Goodness over evil?

How can you show Goodness to others?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?


training with a kick
Asheville, NC Black Belts

“Everyone needs to know how to protect themselves in a threatening situation,” says Tracy Radford of Totally Christian Karate (TCK). For 20 years, this fifth-level black belt martial arts instructor has been equipping children and adults to defend themselves against both physical and spiritual attacks. Discipleship training with a kick!

“TCK is a fully insured, safe, humane mixed martial arts program,” she says. “We won’t teach you how to be a bully. We teach only self-defense and containment so that students, ages 4 to 80, can protect themselves and possibly a friend or family member.”
Radford started martial arts training at age 13. “I was a hyper kid. It helped me focus and gave me an outlet for all my energy.” Years later, she met TCK’s founder, Mitch Freistat. She enrolled as a student and became an instructor. When Freistat moved to Florida, Radford took over the leadership of Asheville TCK. “I’ve known some of the students since they were five years old, and many are now TCK instructors. They’ve overcome physical challenges, learning disabilities, and family tragedies. They’re more than students. They’re family—my spiritual children and grandchildren.”
“The physical training supports us in spiritual battles, not the other way around. We may never have to defend ourselves or our loved ones physically, but as Christians we’ll be engaged in spiritual warfare daily.” Integral to TCK training are 104 Bible studies, which are mastered alongside 104 martial arts skills during a two-year period. “Every move has a name, like ‘shield of faith’ and ‘belt of truth.’ Students learn scripture verses with each move.” Every 75-minute class includes cardio warm-ups and stretch drills, learning a new move, working in skill-level groups, Bible study and prayer.
“Everyone is encouraged to give their absolute best, but we also understand that everyone’s best is different,” Radford adds. “I have ADD myself, so I know how effective the TCK system is with students who have learning disabilities. It combines movement with learning and increases their focus and self-control.” TCK welcomes both “at risk” students and children in therapeutic foster care. “Sometimes they only participate for a few weeks or months, but the Bible truths we plant in their hearts each week may produce fruit we never see.”
    TCK also offers demonstrations and seminars based on the armor of God, which are suitable for VBS programs, schools, and youth groups. Women’s self-defense classes are available as well.
Because the Biltmore Square Mall closed, Radford is looking for a new facility with at least 2500 square feet. Currently, classes meet at four different area churches—Covenant Community, Biltmore Baptist, the ACTS church, and Trinity of Fairview.
“Other martial arts programs teach that power comes from within you, that you can do anything. At TCK we teach the opposite: power is God-given and we can’t do anything without Him. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, but what empowers us is knowing Whose we are.”
“We take a sport, something active, and make it a part of your daily faith walk.” Martial arts makes it fun, but the spiritual warfare training makes it invaluable for any Christian of any age.
The first class is free, so why not give Totally Christian Karate a chance to “kick” your spirit and body into optimum shape?
For more information about the classes, demonstrations, and seminars TCK offers, visit or call 423-464-3851