Honesty from a pure heart

HONESTYpetition honesty pure heart




LEVITICUS 19:11,35-36,25:14-17DEUTERONOMY 16:20,25:13-16; PSALMS 15:5,24:4-537:21;PROVERBS 3:27,4:24-2711:112:22, 16:820:10ISAIAH 33:15-16MATTHEW  7:12; MARK 10:17-18;LUKE 3:12-13,6:31ACTS 24:162CORINTHIANS 4:1-27:2,8:21PHILIPPIANS 4:8-9;  COLOSSIANS 3:9-10,22-231THESSALONIANS 4:11-12HEBREWS 13:8, 1PETER 2:12


   Honesty from a pure heart seems to get harder and harder to do and find in this world known as the Kingdom of Darkness. These earth dwellers in Satan’s Kingdom are creations of God and are made in His image yet they rebel against the One who made them, loves them and is willing to save them if they repent. The invitation is offered to any creature to enter the Kingdom of God for eternity. Sins forgiven, a new heart given and adoption legalized into the family of God in the Kingdom of Light.

From how we handle our money and our dealings with men, to our relationship with God, honesty is commanded by the Lord. We as His children are to be consistently honest from a pure heart. God Himself embodies this; even His name, I AM, is pure honesty. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Satan knows that any dishonesty in our lives will eventually be exposed, ruining the effectiveness of our witness and causing division. He desires to sidetrack the work that God has prepared for us to do. Satan works hard to tempt us to be ,dishonest, and then to expose us!

An honest life is consistent with God’s image in us, best for ourselves and for the Gospel.


Who is to do everything in Honesty?

What is Honesty?

Where in the Bible does God show you His Honesty?

Why is it important to be Honest in all things?

When is it hard for you to be Honest?

How does your Honesty effect other people?

How does this apply to your life?

What is your prayer?

What is your memory verse?